Thursday, January 17, 2013

Warm Up - Thursday Jan. 17th

Yesterday I realized something about myself. There were people who would choose the opportunity to be rich over doing something that they love. Some didn't even try and hide behind reasons like being able to support themselves. They wanted material things. Having the money to buy things and those things would "make them happy" seemed to be the consensus. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Sure money would make life more comfortable, but we were talking about being rich. Time and time again life shows us that money and material possessions can't give you happiness. It sounds cliche but its true. You can try and trick yourself into thinking it's filling a hole but when you are dying and near the end what are you going to be thinking about? Are you going to regret not getting that car or buying a bigger house? I hope not. I want to base my life around people and places and activities that genuinely make me content and happy to be alive. I want to wake up everyday and feel blessed by my life. Before yesterday I never realized how strongly I believed in fulfillment over fortune.


1 comment:

  1. Great post Darci. The last line, "fulfillment over fortune," is really well said.
